Upcoming Events

Easter Sunday

Easter Sunday

We invite you to experience the joy of Easter at one of our three services, where we will come together to worship and reflect on the resurrection of Jesus Christ.

Come and be uplifted by inspiring messages, heartfelt worship, and a warm community. Whether you're a long-time member or visiting for the first time, you'll find a place where you belong.

Service Times: 8:30, 10:00, 11:30

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City Groups Launch

City Groups Launch

City Groups have one simple purpose, to bring people together. Meaningful relationships can be hard to find. That’s why City Groups exist to make life changing relationships relevant and accessible to you. Finding a City Group for you is easy through our online directory!

Join a group!

City Groups Launch January 19th!

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Agreement Sunday

Agreement Sunday

"This year l'm believing God for....

Agreement Sunday is coming on January 12 at 9 & 11 AM. This is our annual prayer service where we write down what we are believing God for and our Pastors Bill & Trish will be coming in agreement with YOU.

We love to hear your testimonies every year of how God answered your prayers! Click Here to share a testimony from last year, we want to celebrate with YOU!

Agreement Cards will be available in the lobby starting Sunday, December 12th.

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21 Days of Prayer & Fasting
to Jan 25

21 Days of Prayer & Fasting

As we begin a new year, we want to set aside 21 days for an intentional time of fasting, praying, and seeking God together, starting January 5-25th! Join us here on Campus, 6:00-6:45 AM weekdays and Saturdays from 9:00 -9:45 as we pray for what God has for us, our church, and our city in 2025!

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Christmas Eve
to Dec 24

Christmas Eve

You're invited to join us this Christmas Eve for our meaningful, illuminating, and family-friendly candlelight services! 

Christmas Eve is one of our most special and favorite services out of the whole YEAR! We have FOUR identical Christmas Eve Services for you to choose from! Make Worship City Church a new Christmas Eve tradition for your family and friends. We'll sing carols, celebrate the season—and most importantly—we'll experience the true gift of Christmas through the real, life-giving hope found in Jesus.

December 23rd


December 24th

2PM | 4PM | 6PM

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Candypalooza Sunday is a Sunday in City Kids at Worship City Church that your kids will LOVE! Have your child wear a costume, bring a friend, and have a blast in our incredible kids church service in City Kids and leave with a HUGE, FREE BAG OF CANDY!

This City Kids service is for AGES 4 to 12 years old! And don’t worry Mom and Dad, we have an awesome adult service for you in our main sanctuary! It’s going to be an incredible day of fun for the whole family to enjoy on Sunday, October 27th at our 9:00 AM or 11:00 AM services!

New to Worship City Church? Register your kids & let us know which service you plan on attending by Planning Your Visit Here

Want to partner with us to buy candy for Candypalooza?

Bring bags of candy on Sunday & drop in the orange bin or give online!

Give to Candypalooza

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Men’s XIV Night

Men’s XIV Night

X-IV is the men’s ministry at Worship City Church in Sioux City and is committed to building up men in their faith, leadership, and vulnerability. We believe Jesus is the only man that we should seek to pattern our lives after. Whatever you're like, whatever your personality type is, you are welcomed and called to this fellowship of men. You don’t have to be chopping wood, super hairy, or eating raw meat to be a real man.

Join us for our next X-IV Night at the Dennis L. Sohl Center in Hinton on October 4th at 6:30 PM for worship, an uplifting message, fantastic food, and a night all about the guys! Grab your ticket for $30!

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I Am Her | Bold

I Am Her | Bold

I Am Her is the women's ministry at Worship City Church in Sioux City dedicated to raising up women as leaders in life. We believe Jesus Christ came to free everyone from fear, anxiety, depression, and loneliness. It’s a gathering for ALL women in every season of life. Single, married, on an infertility journey, walking through loss, a house full of kids, empty nesters and everyone in between!

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I Am Her Team & Prayer Night

I Am Her Team & Prayer Night

I Am Her Team & Prayer Night coming up on Sept 12 at 7 PM! 💚 If you're wanting to serve on the I Am Her Team, this night is for you! ✨Join us as we come together to pray over our next I Am Her Night! It’s going to be powerful! From decorating to prepping the after party or celebrating on the welcome team or being in the photoshoot, please let us know what team you are wanting to serve on.

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City Kids Pancakes & Pjs Sunday

City Kids Pancakes & Pjs Sunday

As City Kids get ready to head back to school, we are celebrating with a Pancakes & Pjs Sunday in City Kids on August 18! Have your kids dress in their favorite Pjs to church as they will have a blast in our special City Kids service and of course have yummy pancakes!

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Growth Track Sunday

Growth Track Sunday

We have an amazing opportunity for you to take your next step in your journey at Worship City. Join us on July 21 directly after the 11 AM service for Growth Track. Growth Track is a 2 hour session where you will learn the history, vision and heart of WCC and decide if this is the right church for you! We believe it’s God’s plan for every Christ-follower to be an active member of a local church body, not just a spectator. We want to help you in that process!  Also, we provide tools that will enable you to discover how God designed you, and His specific purpose and calling for your life, so you can serve Him with your gifts and passions, and make a difference. Plus, we will have a delicious lunch for you and the whole family, and your kids will be taken care of by our Dream Team.

Register Here

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VBS Sunday

VBS Sunday

Get ready for a day filled with fun and games for the entire family as we celebrate the amazing journey of our Vacation Bible School!

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VBS Matinee

VBS Matinee

Come and enjoy our full production of our VBS Out of Time Musical! It is written and produced by our team! It's an incredible experience for the whole family!

Tickets: $5/person or $20/family

Click Here to register

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VBS Blast
to Jun 27

VBS Blast

VBS is a FREE week of fun for your kids at Worship City Church! Each day starts with energetic music, games, and an entertaining live service. Kids then attend four stations with crafts, snacks, and outdoor games each day! A t-shirt is also included!

**If registering after June 8th, we cannot guarantee a t-shirt.

Children ages 4 years old (& potty trained) through 6th Grade can attend!

Mark your calendars, June 24th - 27th from 9:00 AM-12:00 PM at FWC Church!

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