✨Hey Girl HEY!!!✨

Who else is ready for a Girls' Night Out? Call your girl gang and make plans to join us for I AM HER NIGHT - CLOTHED! September 26 at 7 PM! 👏 You can't miss the phenomenal worship, a powerful WORD, the HER Boutique, and an epic after party!👏

I Am Her | Serve

From decorating to prepping the after party or celebrating on the welcome team or being in the photoshoot, please let us know what team you are wanting to serve on.


I Am Her is the women's ministry at Worship City Church dedicated to raising up women as leaders in life. We believe Jesus Christ came to free everyone from fear, anxiety, depression, and loneliness. It’s a gathering for ALL women in every season of life. Single, married, on an infertility journey, walking through loss, a house full of kids, empty nesters and everyone in between!

This is a growing community of Holy Spirit empowered women that stand on the foundation of Christ, secure in truth and grace. We are a sisterhood of strength committed to contending for you through the journey ahead! Whatever you’re facing, we know your heart will be encouraged! Our heart is to create community and encourage women to live out their purpose. We believe that life together is better, and you are treasured here.